The Pirate Queen interview: How Singer Studios and Lucy Liu brought forgotten history to life - Engadget

Eloise Singer, Director, Lucy Liu, Actress, The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend, Interview, Engadget, Producer, Executive Producer, Best of VR, Best Immersive Experiences, Historical,  BAFTA, BFI, Award-Winning, Film, Charlies Angels VR XR Kill Bill

Voice Artist Lucy Liu & Director Eloise Singer

I had a favorite version of Mulan growing up (Anita Yuen in the 1998 Taiwanese TV series). I obsessed over Chinese period TV series like Legend of the Condor Heroes, My Fair Princess and The Book and the Sword. I consider myself fairly well-versed in Chinese historical figures, especially those represented in ‘90s and 2000s entertainment in Asia.

So when I found out that a UK-based studio had made a VR game called The Pirate Queen based on a forgotten female leader who was prolific in the South China Sea, I was shocked. How had I never heard of her? How had the Asian film and TV industry never covered her?

Read the whole interview here.


The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend Review - FandomWire


How The Pirate Queen Brings Cheng Shih's History To Life In VR - Upload VR